

Hellloooo!!! :3

I’m Sam!! I’m 18 yrs old, I’m a transman
I can sorta draw, I’m currently learning how to sing, and I’m still in high school (senior yr!). I tend to curse a lot so a heads up on that
Interests: MC, SDV, TWD, KNY, anything that deals with romance, books, SPIDER-MAN, COD, gothic stuff, the sims4, music, and I’m sure there’s more but I forgot ‘emAlso I’m open to any romance/sad/or any books that caused emotional distress recs bc I want to and need to read more :3
I’m a night owl, I’m a little slow, my memory ain’t the best (due to staying up real late). I’m also really open to new music! I love music so I’m always happy to listen to new genres! :D